How do I Enroll?
Registration is managed through our online Parent Dashboard, where you can login or create an account. During registration you will be required to upload a photo of your student (for identification purposes) and complete the required online forms. This can be done in advance of registration day.
Why are clubs different prices?
Club prices vary based on the duration of the program, activities and materials used to run the program.
Who teaches the clubs?
Clubs are hosted or taught by a combination of Rilke Schule teachers, Rilke Schule German interns, and community business owners that want to offer exciting new experiences for Rilke students. Rilke Clubs seeks to have a variety of programs that cover student enrichment, student support, and student activity/sports.
Where can I find out more about a club?
Club descriptions can be found on the Club Registration page in the club list description. If you have further questions, contact Rilke Clubs at rilkeclubs@rilkeschuleinc.org.
Is Lexia a part of Rilke Clubs?
No, Lexia is not a part of Rilke Clubs. Lexia Club and the math equivalent is a free service required by the Anchorage School District. Families will not be charged for the time their child spends in those clubs. If your child is invited after the start of the school year to either of those clubs and they coincide with a club to which you have registered, please contact rilkeclubs@rilkeschuleinc.org, so that a prorated credit can be generated.
What is an “attendance PIN”?
An attendance PIN number is a unique number assigned to every authorized person that is allowed to pick up your student. It allows us to track exactly who picked up your child each and every day your student is enrolled in our programs.
Where do I find my attendance PIN?
Your attendance PIN is located on the Parent Dashboard in the “My Account” tab at the bottom of your profile information.
Can I customize my attendance PIN?
No, attendance PINs are randomly generated to keep them unique to each authorized person. That way two people don’t accidentally have the same PIN.
What do I do if I am sending someone new to pick up my student?
Students can ONLY be released to an authorized person in our system. No exceptions will be made. If you are sending another adult to pick up your student, add the individual to your authorized pick-up list on the Parent Dashboard, authorized pick ups tab. .
Once they are added they will receive their own attendance pin to pick up your student.
Why am I not receiving any emails from clubs?
First, confirm your email address on the Parent Dashboard. Then check your spam folder and mark them as Safe/Not Spam so future emails go to your inbox.
How do I propose a new club?
Proposals for new clubs are always welcome! Email your proposal to Rilke Clubs at rilkeclubs@rilkeschuleinc.org.
What do I do if my child is on the cross-country running team and wants to be part of a club offered at the same time?
Please register your child for any clubs that they will want to attend after cross-country running is over for the season. Then contact Rilke Clubs for a credit for the overlapping time with the running team. Additionally, Herr Honer is ok with students missing one practice a week to participate in clubs (such as orchestra or band where the students need to participate throughout the semester). Check with Herr Honer and the club provider to see how missing a practice may impact racing eligibility and to plan accordingly.